Our products:

Biochar4Life is a slow -release high carbon soil conditioner that heals your soils over a period of time. It is made from organic agricultural residues and due to its natural content, it is used in the farm with the long -term objective of restoring your soils to a healthy optimal level for profitable crop production.

PROTip: To start restoring Your soils, Apply One Bag of Biochar4Lie Soil Conditioner for Every Bag of Your usual Fertilizer.

Available at an Agrovet near You.

Biochar fortified planting, topper and Foliar organic fertilizers on onions in Kitengela.

Maize planted with Biochar fortified planting organic fertilizer in Taveta.

Biochar4Life soil conditioner mixed with inorganic fertilizer for Potatoes in Kipipiri.